We meet on the second Thursday of every month 9.45am, at Oddfellows Hall, Whiting Street, Bury St Edmunds
February 13th
History of Infant Feeding - Linda Shotbolt
March 13th
Most Secret Place on Earth - Roger Pugh
April 10th
To be decided
May 8th
AGM and lunch
June 12th
Lighting the fuse - Lucy Lewis
July 10th
Quilts and the underground railroad - Kevin Boardman
August 14th
Outing to be arranged
September 11th
Spinners weavers and dyers - John Briggs
October 9th
Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal – Mande Cox-Osborne
November 13th
Quiz and Fish & Chips
December 14th
All I want for Christmas History of Toys - Catherine Buchanan
January 11th
Brackland the long and short of it - John Saunders
February 8th
Retired Chef from Savoy – demonstration of Food -Chris Burford
March 8th
Dogs Trust - Paige Pope