Programme 2025

Programme of Events - 2025

We meet on the first Wednesday of the month, 7.30pm, at Moreton Hall Community Centre

Wednesday 8th January

Members’ Evening and Resolution Discussion

Wednesday 5th February

Edward Gildea - My Circumnavigation and How It Turned Me Green

Edward’s life changed when he took part in the 2013-14 Clipper Around the World Yacht Race. Sailing 24,000 miles across the oceans from Australia back to London gave him a powerful connection to the planet.

Show The Love Month

Wednesday 5th March

John Foreman, CBE - The View from Moscow

UK Defence Attaché Kyiv 2008/2011.   UK Defence Attaché Moscow 2019/2022

Wednesday 2nd April

Michelle Russell - A Journey with Glass 

Churchouse Stained Glass

Based in Elmswell, Michelle creates all forms of stained-glass including foils, leadwork and kiln formed jewellery.  Michelle will bring items of her work to sell.

Wednesday 7th May

Annual Meeting

Speaker from the Charity Restore

Wednesday  4th June

Summer Garden Party

Pimms and Strawberries Social Evening

Wednesday  2nd July -  Open Meeting.  All Welcome

Jason Middleton - Gemstones and Jewellery of the Rich And Famous

Jason will guide us through a brief look at some of the most luxurious jewels and jewellery owned by celebrities such as Elizabeth Taylor, Grace Kelly and Princess Diana, as well as information about the famous historical jewellery houses such as Faberge and Tiffany.

He will be selling earrings and pendants from his own designs.

Wednesday 6th August

No Meeting - Outing  to be confirmed

Wednesday 3rd September

Jenny Gibbs – My Turkish Shirley Valentine

Following her successful talk to MHWI in 2023 Jenny is returning to tell us about her arrival in a Turkish village in 1993 and the life changing events that followed.  Like last time, Jenny will bring Turkish items to sell.

Wednesday 1st October

Lisa Jones – Oranges and Lemons and Other Citrus Fruits

An insight into the origins, history and background of the huge citrus family including their uses and impact on human culture and wellbeing.

Wednesday 5th November

Lucy Lewis – Lighting the Fuse

Stories from Britain’s first female bomb disposal expert.

Wednesday 3rd December

Festive Fun

Social Evening