
Programme 2024/25
July 10th 2024The Forgotten Bees
Speaker:  Hawk Honey
August 14th 2024Cheese & Wine Social
September 11th 2024History Group - The Search
October 9th 202430 Years in the Metropolitan Police
Speaker:  Sue Wheatley
November 13th 2024Sue Ryder Charity Talk
Speaker:  Barbara McElroy
December 11th 2024Craft Workshop
January 8th 2025Birthday Party
February 12th 2025An Introduction to Home Composting
Speaker: David Wright
March 12th 2025Forensic Pathologist
Speaker:  Mary Newton
April 9th 2025Floristry Demonstration
Speaker:  Jean Minter
May 14th 2025Annual Meeting
June 10th 2025 (Tuesday)Bowls Taster Session
Programme 2023
January 11th 2023Birthday Party
7.00pm for 7.15pm
February 8th 2023History of Shepards Grove - a talk by Peter Palmer
Competition - An old family photograph
March 8th 2023A talk on Fire Safety in the home
April 12th 2023Potluck Supper followed by Beetle Drive
May 10th 2023Annual Meeting
Competition - A photo of a garden in springtime
June 14th 2023Womens Health - before, after and during the menopause - a talk
July 12th 2023History and Tour of St Mary's Church with Rev Philip Merry
Starts at 7.00pm
August 9th 2023Garden Party at Partacre
Competition - A vegetable Animal
7.00pm for 7.15pm
September 13th 2023Local Wildlife - a talk by Patrick Barker
Competition - Photograph of wildlife in your garden.
October 11th 2023Lighting the Fuse - a talk by Lucy Lewis ex Bomb Disposal Officer
November 8th 2023Sing along - with Alison Weston
December 13th 2023A Christmas Workshop
Competition - Penny vote for best make
Programme 2024
January 10th 2024Birthday Party
7.00 for 7.15pm                                                               
February 14th 2024First Aid Awareness Course - St John's Ambulance
Competition - Recipe for a homemade remedy
March 13th 2024Female Fashion History 1750 - 1850 - a talk by James and Sandra Deering
April 10th 2024Spring Floral Arrangement
Competition - penny vote for best arrangement
May 8th 2024Annual Meeting
June 12th 2024Walsham Wild Wood Visit
Competition - A decorated hat