

We meet at the Commonlands Room in the Christopher Centre, Sudbury

on the second Wednesday of each month, at  7.30 pm.

Visitors are always very welcome and you are welcome to 2 taster sessions with us before deciding whether to join

January 8th 2025
The House I Live In.   A history of one house in central Sudbury - Roger Green
February 12th  2025
Rag rug artwork, chair seat caning and basketry - Sue Marsden
March 12th 2025
Cock A Snook (Ceilidh with band and caller) (in support of Angela Rippon's Lets Dance campaign
at:  The Hive, School Lane, Sudbury.  £7.50 for non members (adults only) payable on the door  to
include a glass of wine, beer, non-alcoholic alternative.  Tea, coffee, soft drinks and cake throughout.
April 9th 2025VSO and international aid work - Anita Pearson talks about work in Africa, Far East  and Sri Lanka and
how she developed a massage practice while working with displaced people in Northern Thailand
May 14th 2025AGM and Beetle Drive
June 11th 2025Visit to Ashley Cooper's farm to hear about and explore the ancient artefacts he and his father
have unearthed there.  With tea, coffee and cake.
July 9th 2025Creative process with flowers - Karen Locke
9th August 2025
Summer Social - Cream Teas and games on Friars Meadow.  £5 towards cost
10th September 2025The work of Citizen's Advice - Helen Arbon
8th October 2025Crafts for the Christmas Tree Festival - Lesley Galpin
12th November 2025It's a wrap (fun ideas for present wrapping) - Gill McLay
10th December 2025Christmas Party with food, fizz and fun!