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I have just returned home after another enjoyable evening with all my friends from our WI. Our speaker both informed and entertained us, telling tales from their real life experiences, from line dancing to belly dancing and quizzes to trips out & about - we do it all.
I find there is always something to learn at each of these events and we always have a giggle, if not a real good belly laugh. We may be from a couple of quiet little Suffolk villages but some of our members have travelled the World and worked in amazing jobs. Add to this a range of speakers with more varied experiences and you will understand what a wealth of knowledge and fun that we share every time we meet.
That’s not all though, we have craft events where we can learn new crafts or brush up skills from a bygone age of knitting, crochet, baking and singing – not all at once! Every year we have at least one trip to a place of interest and despite our varied weather our annual garden party at the home of one of our members always goes down well.
There is also a serious side, when we are invited to submit our considered views on some current issues, which are debated at the National Federation meeting in a major town or city in the UK. We usually send a representative to this meeting and that in itself is a wonderful experience, with the opportunity to mix with some 1,000 ladies or more, of all ages and backgrounds.
We meet on the second Tuesday of each month (except for August); in the evening and usually alternate our meetings between Shimpling and Alpheton Village Halls, starting at 7.30pm. You are guaranteed a very warm welcome, so why not come along and join in the fun.

For further information click here to contact the President