More about us


We are a group of about 50 members and we celebrated our WI Centenary in 2023. We meet on the first Thursday of the month in the Royal British Legion Hall at 7.30 pm. The meeting usually starts with Jerusalem, the presentation of posies to members celebrating their birthday during the month and the business. We then welcome our guest speaker and follow this with tea/coffee and biscuits plus a good chat.

Many of our members take part in Federation organised activities particularly enjoying the outings, craft classes and mahjong but they are always happy to try new activities.

We are very lucky in Kedington to have both a Community Centre which we use when we host our group meeting and the Royal British Legion Hall which we use for our monthly meetings. There are also a good many different group activities in the village so members meet each other at other times. The WI often put a team in at other group events - in particular we always take part at the village Meadow Lark held in June on the Great Meadow. A group of members usually enter the pageant and naturally  we run the tea stall.

Kedington is about 3 miles from Haverhill just off the A143 Haverhill to Bury St Edmunds road. The village has an historic church, a primary school and several shops - Nisa supermarket, butchers and a Chinese takeaway.

For further information contact :-

Val Farthing - President      

Eirwen Phillips - Secretary