Garden Party


Nearly 60 local WI members, Federation Chairperson Elizabeth Lansman and WI Adviser Brenda Dyer joined Hadleigh Evening WI for their 50th Anniversary party in the Guildhall.  It was great to get together with old friends. The room was soon buzzing with lively chat.  Everyone taxed their grey matter by participating in a quiz about flowers.

Singer and guitarist Laura Tuck entertained us with a selection of songs from the sixties, the decade in which Hadleigh Evening was formed, mainly for the convenience of women who worked during the day.   Mrs Wragg, a music teacher, was the first president.    Although we were on a rising trend, we have 'lost' a few members over the years - some moving on to one place or another, or being unable to attend evening meetings.   We would be delighted to welcome more members.

The delicious spread was prepared by the hosts' members, and included salmon, ham, quiches and an assortment of salads. Desserts of fruit salad, trifle, meringues, Pavlova and cheese and biscuits. The choice of drinks included Pimms.   Ann Porter made the celebration cake.   President Rae Stapleton gave everyone a sample of her homemade peppermint creams.

Founder member Joan Rudman organised and ran a raffle with the help of her son Jeffrey. There were several lucky winners.  Before leaving everyone was given a celebration bookmark made by Carole Cranston.   We are grateful for all the letters of thanks which we received for what was a very special occasion.  Here's to the next fifty years!

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