Programme 2025

Meetings are normally held on the first Thursday of the month, 7.30pm,

in the

Great Barton Village Hall, Elms Close, Great Barton IP31 2NR

Visitors are always very welcome.
2nd January Quiz 'n Quiche 
6th FebruaryHearing Dogs for the DeafA presentation by Margo Harrison who will be accompanied by Linus, her gorgeous Hearing Dog
6th MarchBee ResourcefulLewis Turner
3rd AprilFarming and Conservation in Suffolk 
1st MayAGM 
26th JuneThedwastre Group MeetingWe are hosting the WI area meeting of the Thedwastre Group.  Thedwastre was a rural district in West Suffolk from 1894-1974
3rd July Garden Party 

In addition we have several interest groups which run every  month

  • The Lunch group     organises  lunches in various different areas of  Suffolk
  • The Singing Group   comes together to  sing  favourite songs from different eras and styles,  
  • The Rambling group  takes part in  occasional  walks on Tuesdays  in different parts of Suffolk