Green Heart Campaign



For the past few years members have been making green hearts to hang in their windows, on trees etc in their neighbourhood as part of the Show the Love campaign. The reason behind it is to show the WIs commitment to encourage everyone to take care of the environment so our lovely planet can be passed on in all its beauty to future generations, and this year we would like to inspire more of you to join in.

Featured below are a few crafty ideas to get you started. We also have a template available here.

sample 1 sample 2

Use the template to cut out your hearts using whatever materials you have to hand; fabrics old or new, you could be extra green and recycle greetings cards, use leftover wrapping paper, even cardboard. If you don’t have anything green then decorate it; grab some felt pens or glitter, let your imagination run riot and let green hearts roam free!

We’re always here to help. You can contact Margaret Brackenbury (Creative Leisure Activities) via or Gwen Williams (PA Committee) via for help with your hearts.

Don’t forget to show us your creations. Send your pictures to and we will feature them on our SWFWI Facebook and Instagram.

You can also find out more information about the campaign and other ways to get involved here on the Climate Coalition website.

Happy crafting!

PA and Creative Leisure Activities Committees