WI Members, in January, select their favourite from the shortlisted resolutions, usually at their WI meetings. All the expressions of interest are counted by SWFWI and then relayed to NFWI. All the expressions of interest from WI members around the country are counted by NFWI and then the most popular from the shortlist, this can be one or two resolutions, then goes on to the WI Annual Conference. This time each member delegate has a straight vote for or against the resolutions. Once a resolution has been adopted, WI members have a mandate to campaign on that issue. Although the process is rather long, it tries to ensure that there is a clear vision on how the WI can campaign on and that the resolution fits in with the WI's ethos and aims. |
2022/23 NFWI Resolution
Clean Rivers for People and Wildlife
With a majority of 84 %, the ‘Clean Rivers for People and Wildlife’ resolution was passed at the
2023 NFWI Annual Meeting.
“Water quality in our rivers is shameful. Legally designated bathing waters must be regularly monitored for pollution. The NFWI urges its members, the wider public, local authorities and Government to make, support and promote applications for officially designated bathing sites on appropriate stretches of rivers in their area. This will be instrumental to the clean-up of rivers as it has been for water quality improvement at coastal beaches.” - Herefordshire Federation
Now NFWI are urging all members to get involved in the campaign to clean up our rivers. The new campaign will be encouraging members to make and support applications to create bathing waters in rivers across England and Wales as a way to drive the clean up of our precious waters
Find out more information about how to apply for inland bathing water by using the Surfers Against Sewage’s ‘Wild Water’ website -
Bathing water designation can play a key role in tackling pollution as it means that water must be tested for the bacteria that causes illness during the bathing season, and because water companies have an obligation to tackle pollution in these locations
To find out about sewage pollution in rivers and about the location of combined sewage outflows (CSOs) in your area - look at the Rivers Trust Sewage Map
Save the date:
Take part in the WI’s Week of River Action
Make a splash for clean rivers in your community by taking part in the
WI’s Week of River Action from 11-18 September!
NFWI will be asking WIs to join with local groups in your area campaigning for clean rivers to sound the alarm about the ecological state of the UK’s rivers.
Further details, including resource packs, are to be announced closer to the date.
SWFWI Resolution Conference 25th April
Speakers were:
Paul Hoggar - Hadleigh Environmental Action Team (HEAT) -
Katie Teesdale-Ward, Communications & Engagement Manager for Get River Positive, Anglian Water
GRP 1 Year
Beavers URL
John Kemp, River Stour Trust .
The Trust is applying to make a section of the River Stour between Sudbury and Great Cornard a designated bathing area.
2020/21 | ![]() | A call to increase awareness of the subtle signs of ovarian cancer |
2019/20 | . | Resolution shortlist: Make a MatchThis campaign seeks to promote registration to the aligned UK stem cell registry to enable more people to receive potentially life-saving stem cell transplants. Stop Modern SlaveryThis campaign seeks to raise awareness of modern slavery in the UK. It also calls for better support for survivors, as well as more effective action to eradicate the problem. |
2019 | . . | Get on BoardWe are seeking to raise awareness of the importance of local bus services and to empower members, WIs and federations to make the case for buses in their local communities. 5 Minutes that MatterOur campaign seeks to raise awareness of the importance of attending routine cervical screenings, and support more women to make an informed decision about whether or not to take up their invitations. |
2018 | . | Make Time for Mental HealthWe are working to improve the way people view mental health and are calling for better support for those who need it. |
2017 | SWFWI Resolution - Invisible Disabilities |
2022 Resolution
Women and Girls with ASD & ADHD Under-identified, Under-diagnosed, Misdiagnosed, Under-Supported
Women and girls presenting with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are going undiagnosed. The NFWI calls on the government and funding bodies to fund research into the female presentation of ASD and ADHD, and for action to be taken to improve the diagnosis process for women and girls, to ensure that they are equipped to better manage these conditions and do not suffer in silence. The NFWI further calls on WI members to raise awareness within their WIs of the issues facing women and girls with ASD and ADHD.
Thinking Differently Toolkit web.pdf
Dr Judy Eaton, Chartered Clinical Psychologist, with a special interest in neurodevelopmental disorders in both children and adults.
All WI members are encouraged to become involved with WI campaigns that concern them and their communities. From the WI's long history of campaigning there may be issues that stand out to you and of course, as some campaigns link together, so more than one campaign can be embraced, actioned and used to highlight members' concerns. WI campaigns can enable members, WIs, Federations and also the NFWI to work together with partner organisations, like, charities, Government agencies, etc to help raise awareness and increase the success of campaigns reaching a wider audience. Holding a discussion evening on a resolution at your WI, taking part in the annual February the Show your Love/Green Hearts initiative, writing to your MP, joining together with other WIs to organise a litter pick, are all ways that members can get involved. Imagination holds no bounds when looking to engage and highlight concerns that a member and/or WI may feel passionate about! For more information about how you can become involved with campaigns check out the PA Memo editions, The Hive or contact your Climate Ambassadors or Public Affairs Committee (details under the Committee tab). Also further information on current campaigns can be be found on the on the NFWI website |
2020/21 NFWI Resolution Choice:
A Call to increase awareness of the subtle signs of ovarian cancer
The deadline for Link Delegates and Federation Representatives to input the votes of WIs in their linking groups has now passed, and I am pleased to inform you that the resolution ‘A call to increase awareness of the subtle signs of ovarian cancer’ passed with a majority of 99.48%.
This means the resolution is now an NFWI mandate and will form the basis of a national WI campaign which all members are invited to work on.
The outcome of the vote will also be announced in the August mailing and in the September issue of WI Life.
We recognise that the challenges presented by the current health situation may have led to additional considerations around engaging with WIs this year, so I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your hard work supporting members and obtaining their votes.
The NFWI Public Affairs Department will be producing a full campaign action pack with ideas and resources that members can use to take the campaign forward. This will be available on the NFWI website and My WI, and shared on our social media channels as soon as possible.
In the meantime, we would encourage members to visit the ‘Annual Meeting Resolution Result 2021’ page of the WI website where you will find a briefing from tomorrow with background information on the campaign and some initial ideas about how you can take action. This is also included with this email alongside a meeting/event evaluation form, referenced in the briefing, for you to use to track the impact of your work on this campaign on a local level.
As always, the Public Affairs Committee and NFWI PA would welcome hearing about any activities you and your WIs have planned for the campaign so please do get in touch with us /
A call to increase awareness of the subtle signs of ovarian cancer Memo
Event/Meeting Evaluation Form The WI’s Ovarian Cancer Campaign
Every two hours in the UK someone dies of ovarian cancer. Making sure GPs and the public know what to look for will not only ensure the early detection and treatment of this disease but transform lives today and for generations to come. NFWI calls on WI members everywhere to help increase awareness of the subtle signs of ovarian cancer.
A call to increase awareness of the subtle signs of ovarian cancer
SWFWI 29th April Zoom Resolution Conference - Speakers: John Lynch from Ovarian Cancer Trust and Ruth Griggs and Sue Stockholm from Ovacome UK
Ovacome UK
Ovacome free support line: 0800 008 7054
Ovacome website –
Ovacome BEAT campaign materials on signs and symptoms–
Getting Ovacome’s straightforward message about the signs and symptoms to more women is vital and many of our supporters distribute our B.E.A.T. campaign materials to places they visit and people they meet.
B is for bloating that is persistent and doesn’t come and go
E is for eating difficulty and feeling full more quickly
A is for abdominal and pelvic pain you feel most days
T is for toilet changes in urination or bowel habits
Information on ovarian cancer and genetics –
Ovarian Cancer Trust
Report from the Resolution Conference by Jill Newell
Resolutions 2019/20
Resolution Shortlist
The National WI Board have confirmed that both this year's resolutions will be campaigned on:
Call to increase potential stem cell donor registration
Wording: There is an urgent need to increase the number of people registered on the aligned UK stem cell registry in order to provide potentially life-saving treatment to people of all ages with certain blood cancers. We call on all WI members to promote registration to the database to avoid people dying whilst waiting for a match.
Every twenty minutes, someone in the UK is diagnosed with blood cancer. Often, replacing their cancerous blood cells through a blood stem cell donation from a matching donor is their best chance of survival.
Ideally, stem cells are taken from a family member of the person who needs them (siblings are the most likely to match your tissue type). However, according to NHS Blood and Transplant, 65-75% of people who require this treatment are unable to find a sibling match.
Most people, therefore, depend on finding a suitable donor on the aligned ‘Anthony Nolan and NHS Stem Cell Registry’. This is formed of Anthony Nolan, DKMS UK, NHS Blood and Transplant, and the Welsh Bone Marrow Donor Registry. There is also a global network of registries which can be searched.
While a number of organisations are already working on this issue, meeting the demand for suitable stem cell donors is recognised as a big challenge. DKMS UK says that many people die because they are unable to find a donor.
Currently, in the UK, only 2% of people are registered as stem cell donors. In order for more matches to be found, more people are urgently needed to join the registry.
How you can get involved
1. Download our Action Pack to learn more about the issue, how you can get involved and how to raise awareness of the need for more stem cell donors.
2. Help improve the understanding of stem cell donation. A lack of awareness of the need for more stem cell donors and misconceptions about the process are some of the main challenges to increasing the number of people on the aligned UK stem cell registry. At the end of this page, you will find a list of resources which we would encourage you to share with other members of your WI and friends and family. We have also created a number of infographics for you to download and share on social media. Don’t forget to use the hashtag #WIMakeaMatch.
Alternatively, you could consider holding a virtual meeting (or in-person meeting where feasible) with members of your WI and the local community to share information and discuss the issue in more depth. If you are arranging a meeting, the charity DKMS would be happy to try and arrange a speaker for you. You can contact them using the details included below.
3. Share our WI Signup links. The NFWI has worked with Anthony Nolan and DKMS to create WI specific sign up links to the stem cell registry, which you can use yourself or share with those around you. These links will allow us to keep track of the number of people that sign up as a potential donor as a result of our Make a Match campaign.
DKMS/WI Signup link:
Anthony Nolan/WI Signup link:
Signing up to become a stem cell donor is a personal choice and there are restrictions on who can register. Eligibility criteria vary across organisations involved in this process. Anthony Nolan, for example, focuses on people aged 16-30 on the basis that this age group provides the best outcomes for patients. While DKMS registers people aged between 18 and 55 who are in general good health and live permanently in the UK. People aged 17 can also ‘pre-register’ with them in advance. You can find out more about this and how to sign up by visiting their websites.
5. Share your experiences with the SWFWI and NFWI. If you have registered as a potential stem cell donor, donated your stem cells or received a transplant, NFWI would love to hear your story. Stories can make a big difference when it comes to raising awareness, and so, with your permission, we may share these through our communication channels, including WI Life, the WI websites, Public Affairs resources and social media. Please email For SWFWI: SWFWI's Facebook, Instragam, items for the Hive - email
Find out more about stem cell donation
- For key facts on blood cancer and the need for more people to join the aligned stem cell registry, visit:
- To find out more about blood cancer, visit:
- For more information on stem cells and the British Bone Marrow Registry, visit the NHS Blood and Transplant website:
- To learn more about how to become a potential blood stem cell donor, visit:, or watch this video from DKMS:
- For more information about the shortage of BAME donors, visit ACLT’s website:
- Download and share this leaflet about some myths surrounding stem donor registration
End Modern Slavery
Wording: There are tens of thousands of victims of modern slavery hiding in plain sight in the UK. Modern slavery has severe consequences for the health and mental wellbeing of survivors. The NFWI calls on Government to protect victims of modern slavery in the first instance and deliver longer term support to help them rebuild their lives. We call on our members to raise awareness of the prevalence of modern slavery throughout society and to campaign to defeat it.
A range of resource materials for these two resolutions can be found under the Public Affairs tab on the MyWi website
To support members to get involved the Public Affairs team has produced a range of resources:
- Detailed briefing notes about the resolutions: End Modern Slavery & Stem cell
Please download the Welsh versions of the briefing notes via the following links: End Modern Slavery (Cymraeg) & Stem cell (Cymraeg) - PowerPoint presentations on both topics: End Modern Slavery & Stem Cell
- Quizzes to test your knowledge: End Modern Slavery & Stem cell
- A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) document about the resolutions process
- A discussion guide with ideas about how to discuss the resolutions in your WI
The 2019 NFWI Resolutions are:
A call against the decline in local bus services
Wording - Over the last decade there has been a massive decline in the number of bus services, particularly of those in rural and semi-rural areas. In order to alleviate loneliness, improve health and wellbeing, as well as promoting sustainable development, the NFWI calls on the Government and local authorities to increase subsidies and work in partnership with bus companies and community transport operators to enable an adequate provision of services.
Don’t fear the smear
Wording - Cervical screening saves around 5,000 lives a year, yet attendance is currently at its lowest for a decade. The NFWI urges WI members to attend routine screening, to take action to raise awareness of the importance of cervical screening and address barriers to attendance to help eradicate cervical cancer.
You can find a selection of resources to help you learn more about the resolutions on the WI website and on My WI:
- Detailed briefing notes about each resolution.
- A PowerPoint presentation on the topics.
- Quizzes to test your knowledge.
- A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) document about the resolutions process.
- A discussion guide with ideas about how to discuss the resolution in your WI.
- Videos
Report on the 2019 Resolution Conference
2018 Resolution passed at NFWI Annual meeting
Make Time for Mental Health
The NFWI's Public Affairs Department has produced a series of short educational videos about mental health. These are a free resource for members to use as part of any meeting or event they are organising. There are four videos, each covering a different topic: mental wellbeing; women and mental health; mental health stigma and mental health support services. All feature a WI member with personal or professional experience in this area.
To support members in starting and facilitating conversations about these issues, each video is accompanied by a guide which has been produced in partnership with the charity Rethink Mental Illness. The guides include suggested questions for discussion as well as sources of further information and support. All of these resources can be downloaded from the Make Time for Mental Health page of My WI here.
2017 SWFWI Resolution - Invisible Disabilities
Not every disability, impairment or condition is visible and according to the World Health Organisation, a billion people live with some kind of disability. These impairments are not always apparent or signalled in a way that would be readily identified but cause real day to day issues for those living them. They can affect all ages and all genders. Awareness and education around Invisible Disabilities is ongoing but much work is still needed.
Following the successful Federation Resolution, the PA Committee will be posting organising and campaigning ideas around this resolution on this page. Please do let us know what your WI and/or individual members are doing in support of this Resolution via the Office.
Letter to MP from Great Ashfield & Badwell Ash WI
Reply from MP