
Monthly Programme for 2017
6th February

An illustrated Space Talk

Derek Langley

Teas: Jill/Jane

Raffle: Jane

6th March

Who's your father?

Helen Taylor

Teas: Shirley

Raffle: Jean/Joan

3rd April

How to get fit

A visit from Yvonne

Teas: Ronnie/Val

Raffle: Olive Wordley

8th May

Resolutions and AGM

Teas: Joan/Jean

5th June

Donkey Sanctuary Talk

Jane Williams

Teas: Olive B

Raffle: Olive B

3rd July

Garden Meeting

7th August


Bishop and Miller


Raffle: Shirley

4th September

Blackbourne Valley

Suffolk Wildlife Trust

Teas: Tricia

Raffle: Tricia

2nd October

Gardening Tips

A return visit by Peter Watts

Teas: Jo

Raffle: Ronnie

6th November

Suffolk Farm House Cheeses

Jason Salisbury


Teas: Jean/Joan

Raffle: Jean'Joan


Christmas Lunch