About us

We are a friendly group of about 35. As well as the main meeting we arrange a variety of activities among ourselves throughout the year. We are actively seeking new members reaching out to all age groups.

The main meeting is on the 3rd Thursday of the month in the village hall bar area. The correspondence can lead to some lively debate and we aim to get a variety of speakers during the year to entertain us followed by some social time. In June we try (weather permitting) to have the meeting in a garden and an outing further afield in July. Destinations recently have been Holkham Hall in North Norfolk and Burleigh House near Stamford.

There are regular outings more locally. This might be a theatre trip, chocolate workshop or a visit to the Van Dal shoe factory as examples.

It is a great way of getting to know faces around the village and feel involved in village life.

If you would like to know more please contact Bernie Wilson on 01359 231460.