
Programme of Events    2019

Wednesday, 9th  January

Cat Protection.  Rebecca George

Competition – a paperweght

Wednesday, 13 th February

Portugal  The DuoroValley to Lisbon.   Robert Smith

Competition – a fridge magnet, picture or saying

Wednesday, 13 th March
The Story of Gilbert and Sullivan.   Anne Datson

Competition a bow tie in any colour or design

Wednesday, 10 th April 

Traditional Toys  - Come and Play. David Knock

Competition – a traditional toy

Wednesday, 8 th May 

AGM and Resolutions Meeting

Wednesday, 12 th June 

An Introduction to Gemstones.  Jason Middleton

Competition – Gemstone Jewellery

Wednesday, 10th July

Summer Outing

To be arranged

Wednesday, 14 th August 

The Jubilee Sailing Trust.  Colin Wilkinson

Competition – a blue and white scarf

Wednesday, 11 th September 

Lady Toastmaster.  Rosalind Hamill

Competition – a pair of cufflinks

Wednesday, 9th
Tale of tapestry - June Shepherd

Competition – Any kind of tapestry

Wednesday, 13 th November 2018

Social Evening

To be arranged

Wednesday, 11th December 2018

Christmas Lunch