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Hello and welcome to Barrow WI

Barrow and District is a small, friendly group who meet up on the first Tuesday of every month. Most months we have a speaker, with the exception of July and December. In July we have a summer 'event'. This could be a meal in a local pub, a BBQ in a member's garden or maybe an outing. In December we usually have a Christmas meal. As well as the monthly meetings many of us attend the regular events offered by our area Federation, Suffolk West.  This could be a hands on craft day, a seasonal meal, topical discussion, scrabble or bridge - the list is endless. Also this year we are in the planning stage of two summer trips and a monthly lunch club. We try our best to produce a varied program for the year in the hope that there will be something to suit everyone. Our meetings begin with the business for the month, informing members of local and federation events that are planned. We then have our speaker/demonstrator, which is followed by tea/coffee and delicious home made refreshments which the WI is so famous for. We finish the evening with a raffle and sometimes a quick light-hearted quiz before wending our way home at about 9.30. For more information contact the President, Chris James, on 01284 810277 or email